
Every animal deserves the right attention

Treating animals well is rewarding, not only in terms of money but also the enjoyment from work.

  • Young calves need attention: checking for and/or preventing diseases, or helping sick animals to recover.

  • Calving cows; nature often looks after itself, but it would be a good idea to create the right conditions, so that action can be taken if necessary.

  • Cows to be treated; at the right time and in the right way! Without any risks for humans and animals. If well organised, it can be done quickly and without irritation.

  • The bull is an animal in its own right; strong and impressive; always be cautious. Bull pens must be able to withstand heavy pounding!

  • The cows that walk in the herd; they very much like to rub for a while. This is also good for their skin!

Click here for the product catalogue Attention

Available products Attention

In the Attention category Spinder offers  the following products designed to increase the well-being of cows and calves.

Click on the products below for a detailed description, corresponding catalogue pages, technical drawings and manuals.

View the entire Spinder range

Product range
Cow trafficManure disposal